CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile is an accredited testing and research laboratory certified by the following bodies:

  • Accredia.
  • Emilia-Romagna Region.
  • United States Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Accreditation certifies the competence and impartiality of the facilities and ensures the value and quality of the services they provide.

Moreover, accreditation is an essential tool for private companies and public institutions that, either by choice or to comply with legal obligations, need to certify the conformity of their systems, products, and services. Turning to an accredited facility ensures compliance with current regulations and strengthens the trust placed by customers and users.

In particular, regarding Accredia (the sole accreditation body for Italy), its accreditation is internationally recognized through EA, IAF, and ILAC mutual recognition agreements. Therefore, companies that are headquartered or operate outside of Italy, by turning to Accredia-certified facilities are not required to undergo additional inspections in their respective countries of reference or origin.




CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile S.r.l. is a Testing Laboratory accredited by the Italian body Accredia (accreditation certificate LAB no. 0263L), in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Based on International Mutual Recognition Agreements (MLA/MRA) with EA, IAF, and ILAC, this certification authorizes us to perform internationally-accredited tests.

Accredia - ILAC - MRA


CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile S.r.l. is an Industrial Research Laboratory accredited by the Emilia-Romagna Region and a member of the High Technology Network (regional resolution no. 5807 – 17/03/2023). Under the coordination of ART-ER, we participate in research projects funded by the Region.

Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network


CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile S.r.l. is a Testing Laboratory accredited by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (LAB ID 1758) for tests related to the 16 CFR Part 1610 standard (flammability of clothing textiles) of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.

United States Consumer Product Safety Commission


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To request our services, information, or quotations please use this contact form.

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