CQT Industrial Research Laboratory for textile technology and industry development


We collaborate in research activities aimed at fostering innovation in all civil and industrial sectors that utilize textile products or related technologies. Since 2023, we have become part of the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network as an Industrial Research Laboratory accredited by our region (regional resolution No. 5807 of 17/03/2023), currently participating in several projects.

Why choose CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile for research?

Accreditation by the High Technology Network ensures the professionalism of the affiliated facilities, recognizing their ability to conduct excellent industrial research. In fact, the organizations accredited by the Emilia-Romagna region offer high-level expertise and facilities, enabling successful response to the needs of both public and private clients.


"Water Retting 4.0" project

Development and experimentation of an industrial bioreactor for hemp fiber extraction and sustainable production of textiles and materials for construction.

Approved under the RP ERDF 2021-2027 (Regional Program of the European Regional Development Fund) – Action 1.1.2: “Call for strategic industrial research projects focusing on priority areas of the smart specialization strategy.”

Approval DGR (Regional Government Decree) 2097/2022 and subsequent modifications.


CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile has carried out projects funded by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Cohesion and Development Fund.

"Re-Use" project

Eco-design methods and tools for the management and usability of data from the Digital Product Passport (DPP) to support certifiable circularity of small and medium-sized fashion enterprises, also through service centers.

The project aims to implement innovative tools to support businesses in the fashion sector.

Approved under the RP ERDF 2021-2027 (Regional Program of the European Regional Development Fund) – Action 1.1.2: “Call for strategic industrial research projects focusing on priority areas of the smart specialization strategy.”

Approval DGR (Regional Government Decree) 2097/2022 and subsequent modifications.


CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile has carried out projects funded by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Cohesion and Development Fund.

"Water Retting 4.0" project

Development and experimentation of an industrial bioreactor for hemp fiber extraction and sustainable production of textiles and materials for construction.

Approved under the RP ERDF 2021-2027 (Regional Program of the European Regional Development Fund) – Action 1.1.2: “Call for strategic industrial research projects focusing on priority areas of the smart specialization strategy.”

Approval DGR (Regional Government Decree) 2097/2022 and subsequent modifications.


CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile has carried out projects funded by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Cohesion and Development Fund.

"Re-Use" project

Eco-design methods and tools for the management and usability of data from the Digital Product Passport (DPP) to support certifiable circularity of small and medium-sized fashion enterprises, also through service centers.

The project aims to implement innovative tools to support businesses in the fashion sector.

Approved under the RP ERDF 2021-2027 (Regional Program of the European Regional Development Fund) – Action 1.1.2: “Call for strategic industrial research projects focusing on priority areas of the smart specialization strategy.”

Approval DGR (Regional Government Decree) 2097/2022 and subsequent modifications.


CQT – Centro Qualità Tessile has carried out projects funded by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Cohesion and Development Fund.


The Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network was established to strengthen collaboration between the research and production sectors, with the aim of promoting the development of systems, districts, and value chains.

The network brings together both public and private organizations: technoparks, universities, innovation centers, and industrial research laboratories, with the purpose of providing expertise and resources for business development through the transfer of technological results. The operational coordination of activities and projects is entrusted to ART-ER.

Accreditation of the facilities is the means by which the Emilia-Romagna region certifies and qualifies membership in the High Technology Network, highlighting their ability to professionally and effectively meet the needs of various clients requiring support for research and innovation.

Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network
ART-ER Attractiveness, Research, Territory
ART-ER Attractiveness, Research, Territory


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